From the 1954 film Khataf Merati (My wife's kidnapping) starring Anwar Wagdi and Sabah in the role of a couple who are to be married in spite of the fact that they barely know each other. Their families have arranged the marriage for them and both bride and groom are extremely wary and reluctant about the whole thing. In this scene Anwar Wagdi has gone to a bar to have some drinks on the night before his wedding. He is feeling miserable and wants to enjoy his last night of bachelorhood in a bar.
The dancer in this clip is Naemet Mokhtar. She was born in Alexandria to a wealthy family and was an only child who grew up in more than comfortable surroundings. Her mother was a woman who loved music and who had many artist friends. However, the relationship between Naemet Mokhtar's mother and father was very conflictive and when the fights became intolerable the mother left her husband and escaped taking Naemet with her. Eventually mother and daughter went to live in El Mansoura with a good friend of the mother's who happened to be a well known artist named Oum Zaitoun. It was from Oum Zaitoun that Naemet Mokhtar learned to sing. Later, they went to live in Port Said with another friend of her mother's named Nabaweya Salem. Nabaweya had no daughters of her own and she grew to love Naemet as a daughter. Nabaweya also had a dance troupe who was regularly hired to dance for high class celebrations. She would often take the young Naemet with her to these parties and Naemet would sing. Eventually the mother returned to Alexandria, leaving Naemet with Nabaweya Salem who cared for her as if she were her own child and put her through school where she excelled in singing and dancing. Her mother later returned for her and took her to Cairo where she rented an apartment from a very well known Almeé named Zouba el Keloubatiya, a Mohamed Ali Street dancer who was famous for dancing with a keloub on her head ( sort of like a lantern) hence the name Keloubatiya. On one occasion another neighbor who happened to be a musician took the young Naemet to a party where he had been hired to play and where she sang and recited. One of the guests at the party happened to be a film director who was so impressed that he introduced her to the director of Na7as Studios (Where Naima Akef was under contract making a movie) and they hired Naemet to be in the movie with Naima Akef. However, even after the success of this film (Fataat al Sirk) Naemet and her mother still had difficulty making ends meet. Until one day a well to do man came to their apartment building searching for a dancer for his wedding. Since all the dancers were already booked, they asked Naemet if she would do it. She rented a costume and took the job. At the wedding one of the guests was the agent of singer Karem Mahmoud, he was so impressed with her that he immediately put her under contract as a background dancer for Karem Mahmoud, She later joined Na3ma Abdo´s dance troupe where she soon became the main dancer. During this time she met Farid el Atrash who would hire her regularly to dance at his parties while he played Oud. Oum Kulthoum was a great fan of Naemet Mokhtar and enjoyed her dancing so much that she would regularly invite her to her parties to dance. She even nicknamed her "Symphoniet el Raqs el Sharqi" (The bellydance Symphony) Naemet Mokhtar said in later interviews "I never felt guilty about working as a dancer.People think that success comes easy, but the fact is that I worked hard to be a successful dancer at a time when the field was full of dance stars" Naemet Mokhtar married three times and had one son. She produced several films well into the 70's after which she retired. She repeatedly refused offers to teach dance after her retirement.